Living Room Archives - Woodscape
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Crockery and Dining Unit

Classy pieces of wooden or metal frames put together to hold your prized porcelain or china, and a matching Dining unit to go with it? Should we say any more? Woodscape has something uniquely designed for each customer as we believe just like us, our customers are also unique.


When we say “Furniture” images of plush couches, vintage style teak tables, large arm chairs, and the like flash across our minds almost immediately. Not just that, Woodscape offers a wide array of dining tables, wall décor pieces, spectacular tables, desks, dressers, chest of drawers, coffee tables, bedside units, tall units for general storage and the like. Each piece is skillfully crafted by our team of carpenters who hail from various parts of the country and specialize in the craft of carpentry, carving and the likes of it.

Work Unit

We have dived head first into the era of ‘Work from home’, a convenient option with its own set of perks. Still, a home may not be able to provide the right atmosphere that is created at a professional workspace. Tarry no more! Woodscape offers you uniquely designed cozy workspace designs in the very comfort of your home! What’s more? We customize it to meet your requirements and make it as akin to your actual workspace as possible. So much so, that work from home would become a permanent settlement!

False Ceiling

Homes are a display of the persona of the inhabitants and are so, are consciously designed to radiate the right aura. The first thing that catches attention as soon as one enters a home, is the ceiling and so, a good ceiling design would work wonders to give even a dull looking home, an instant uplift. Of course, the original ceiling cannot be tampered with since a lot of the roof’s durability depends on it and so, a false ceiling or a suspended ceiling in broader terms, is the best choice to beautify the ceiling. Woodscape offers an unlimited range of tastefully designed false ceilings made of various materials, each suited to cater to diverse homes. Take your pick and we shall do the rest.

Wall Divider

A wall divider is required in most homes in the present day wherein, a large space is allotted as the living room cum dining area together. Hence, to distinguish between the two and also for privacy reasons, most homes require a wall divider. Our wall dividers, like every other product we design are crafted to perfection and well suited to grace your homes.

Pooja Unit

Any Indian home typically begins the day by invoking the divine presence through a pooja – a ritual practice that is ages old and quintessential to any traditional Indian home. We design pooja units that cater to every standard requirement, are ornate and give the home a spiritual appeal. Our pooja units are custom made and unique.

Television Unit

Televisions in the present day have gone on a slimming spree; the sleek and slim ones are in trend compared to the more abundant traditional sets. In order to elevate the television set at an optimal angle that is suited to the living room space, a good Television unit needs to be deployed. Woodscape offers a range of durable and stylish TV units that are long standing, and enhance the living room space altogether.

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