Bed Room Archives - Woodscape
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Walls are the silent listeners in any space and so, appealing walls in refreshing colors, patterns, prints or even textures serve to enlighten the space and the inhabitants within. Woodscape houses a special team of painters who are masters in textures, solid colors, 2d and 3d effects, wall papers, prints, and brick encasing. From cool blues to textured teals, we’ve got them all! Let your imagination

Wooden Flooring

The floors we tread upon at home play a vital role in our ambience and the environment therein. Investments such as flooring, ceilings and the like are meant to be one-time and so, need to be worth investing in. Apart from other types of flooring such as Italian marble, and granite, at Woodscape, we offer premium wooden flooring that are durable, compatible for our weather conditions and a long lasting. All at such affordable prices!

Kids’ Unit

Children tend to be quite choosy and demanding as they grow up and so, it becomes a vital necessity to set aside a space of their own in our homes. Woodscape offers an interesting range of kids’ units, such as bunk beds, with inbuilt storage space, dressers, study units, playing units, and even cradles for newborns made by our master craftsmen.


We have all fallen in love with one mattress commercial or the other, at some point in time. Those comfy shades, soft mattress that paint a vivid picture of a dreamy sleeping experience often captures our minds alike. No matter how great the mattress, a badly made cot would ruin it all. It is highly crucial to get the fundamentals right first. A study cot that can withstand time, temperature changes, exposure to spillage, and so on is what one must look into. After all, the room itself is named in honor of the bed! Woodscape specializes in wooden cots, teak, mahogany, rosewood, ebony, pine, you name it, we’ve got it! Carefully handcrafted and perfect to the T!

Head Board

Often, we wish that we could carry our car seats home for the sheer comfort the head boards give. Many surveys across the globe have confirmed that more than 60 percent of working professionals tend to find alternate spaces such as car seats, desks and armchairs to be more comfortable for falling asleep than beds. This is because there is no proper support for the head and neck. Gone are those days! Woodscape offers you ergonomic head boards designed to suit your preferences and ensure proper rest for your head and back in the comfort of your bed.


“Clothes maketh a man” – thus goes a famous saying. It is important for every individual to invest in clothes that flatter their frame and also, are apt for every occasion; but more so, is the storage unit that these clothes are placed in. A good, sturdy wardrobe that has enough divisions and ample space can never go wrong in organizing clothes, accessories and other hosiery. Woodscape makes wardrobes to suit personal preferences and meant for various needs, such as ones for clothes with hangers and organizers, ones meant to store bed linen and other appliances in the bedroom, all neatly dapper and fitted with doors and locks. The design options are again, endless and there is always something for each customer.

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